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구인/구직Helioartspace in Chungdahm is recruiting new members


Writer : market
  • 페이스북




HELIOART Co., Ltd. is an art consulting firm which is located in Chungdahm, and specializes in curating various exhibitions and promoting contemporary artworks of internationally renowned artists.


HELIO ART Co., Ltd is recruiting new members with sincere and future-oriented sense.




1. Position 


- New / At least 1 year experience in the same field 




2. Job Deions


- Managing exhibition plans & marketing plans, general office works


- Contact & communicate with domestic and foreign artists and direct art exhibition


- Research domestic & foreign artists


- Designing tasks on art exhibitions


- Admin support / CEO supporting etc


* Office hours Monday~Friday 9:30~19:00 / every other saturday




3. Job Requirements


- Bachelor\'s degree


- Skilled in written English and fluent in spoken English, French preferred


- Proficient in MS office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PPT, Photoshop etc.)


- Strong responsibility, Accuracy, consistency, Ability to handle completing multiple tasks simultaneously 




* Guidelines for applicants


- 1. Examine and analyze resumes of candidates


- 2. Interview with candidates


* Salay : will be negociated after the interview


* Please send your application by e-mail to [email protected]. Your application package must include : 


- CV in English with recent picture (max. 1page)


- Cover letter in English (max. 1page)












02-511-3201, 3023 

