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전시소식한네스 브루너: 오프닝 렉처퍼포먼스


Writer : news
  • 페이스북


*Hannes Brunner* As Bots as Me  -  Food & Filaments


한네스 브루너

오프닝 렉처퍼포먼스 : 8 26 8

렉처퍼포먼스 예약 : https://goo.gl/tkbvtJ

(렉처퍼포먼스는 한국어 통역없이 영어로 진행됩니다.)


전시 기간 : 2018 8 26 - 9 26

장소: 서울시 용산구 서빙고로 24 4 2 RAT

오프닝 이후 전시관람은 사전예약제로 진행됩니다. (전시관람예약 : [email protected])





Opening Lecture Performance: Sunday, 26 August, 8.00 p.m.

Reservation for the event : https://goo.gl/tkbvtJ

(The lecture performance will be in English without Korean interpretation)

Exhibition: 26 August 2018 -  26 September 2018

Visit by appointment (mail to [email protected])

Location: RAT

Address: 4, Seobinggoro 24gil, Yongsangu, Seoul


RAT 에서는 베를린을 기반으로 활동하고 있는 한네스 브루너의 프로젝트 전시 [ As Bots as Me  -  Food & Filaments ] 8 26일부터 9 26일까지 진행됩니다.

[ As Bots as Me  -  Food & Filaments ]은 한네스 브루너가 진행해왔던 프로젝트 As Bots as Me 의 서울 버전으로 RAT 공간 내 선반에 설치되어 선보입니다.


한네스 브루너는 설치 및 조각을 주로 다루며 그의 프로젝트는 종종 디지털 커뮤니케이션에서 물질적 공간과 바이스 공간으로 맥락화한다. 그의 프로젝트는 국제적으로 선보였으며 ‘Driver’s Comment‘, 스위스 2011, ‘search engine’s bodily reply‘, 두바이, ‘Suburban Entity‘, 미국, 독일, 2003-05; ‘Gift of the mayor‘, 2001 or ‚One Life One Mile: 로마, 1997 광주비엔날레 등이 있다. 그는 현재 베를린 Weissensee Academy of Art Berlin 대학의 조소과 교수로 재직중이며, 2008년까지 Fine Arts Motion Graphic program at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT, Abu Dhabi, UAE)의 회장으로 활동하였다. 외에 키엘의 Muthesius Academy of Architecture 순수 미술 교수로 재직한 바 있으며, 그는 스위스 취리히 ETH Zürich 건축학 학사와 독일 카셀 미술대학에서 실험적 사진으로 석사 학위를 이수하였다.


Hannes Brunner / 한네스 브루너

[ As Bots as Me  -  Food & Filaments ]

What happens if matters of life are believed to be guided by accumulated statistics shaped into algorithm we follow trustworthy?

Objects and devices start to relate to human as nonhuman, partly understood as an artificial Intelligence, which begins to be our partner as well as our correlation to ecology and consumerism. The challenge of self awareness within technological societies will deliver an unpredictable sense for cultural and individual independency, for freedom, or democratic understanding as well as a communal sense.

During his lecture performance at RAT Hannes Brunner will not only show recent projects of his artistic contemplation about developments in digitizing worlds, media, robotic devices or autonomous driving systems; but he also introduces the content with physical objects and models hidden in the book shelves. He will evaluate a human desire for haunting or specter within technologically arranged worlds.


Hannes Brunner’s art installations and sculptures favor ephemeral materials. His contextual art projects include social process and different media from digital communication into real physical spaces and vice versa. Projects are shown internationally in contemporary art spaces; a.o. ‘Driver’s Comment‘, Switzerland 2011, ‘search engine’s bodily reply‘, Dubai, ‘Suburban Entity‘, USA, Germany, Switzerland, 2003-05; ‘Gift of the mayor‘, 2001 or ‚One Life One Mile: in Rome, 1997 at the Gwangju Biennale, Korea.

He is currently a Professor of the sculpture department at Weissensee Academy of Art Berlin. Until 2008 he was Chairman of a Fine Arts Motion Graphic program at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT, Abu Dhabi, UAE). Before that he was Professor of the Art Project department at Muthesius Academy of Architecture, Fine Art and Design in Kiel, Germany. He has a degree in Architecture from ETH Zürich and an MFA in experimental Photography from the Art Academy in Kassel, Germany.


